The Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater St. Louis is proud to announce the 2019 Annual Recognition event honorees and Alumni Hall of Honor inductees! Each year the staff, board members, volunteers and supporters are acknowledged and celebrated for their commitment to our Club children.
The Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater St. Louis Alumni Hall of Honor inductees are Mark Collins, III, Precious Johnson, Alaina Lopes, Cardin Dean Rackley, Mark Stallion, and, Kal-El Waters-Jones. The Hall of Honor recognizes outstanding alumni for achievements in their respective fields, commitment to leadership, serving our community’s youth, contributions to the St. Louis community and for living out the mission of the Boys & Girls Club.
Additional categories and honorees for the evening were as follows:
*Award descriptions below
National Award of Merit
Adella Jones
Stuart Krawll
Frank S. & Antoinette G. Leta Family Charitable Foundation
William “Bill” Meyer
Darrell Scott
Eric Wood
Richard H. Amberg Award
Keith Lueking
Carl Woods Volunteer of the Year Award
Leon Davis
Rita Fitzjarrell
Kathe Harwood
Brandy Herron
Thomas Mason
Tamara Powell
Ryan Sparks
Bob Stein
Renelle Theard
Service to Youth Award – Staff
Roxanne Crawford
Gregory Davis
Jaime Downs
Charles Jackson
Tammie Sargent
Renee Seaman
Fe’Dale Waters
Service to Youth Award – Board & Life Trustees
George Bailey
Ken Kotiza
Peter Lazaroff
Karen Luebbert, Ph.D.
Suzie Spence
Gene Todd
Nancy Wolfe
Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater St. Louis President, Dr. Flint Fowler (reflecting on the annual event which has always been close to his heart) said, “This event gives us the opportunity to celebrate the many ways that our staff, board volunteers, alumni and friends contribute to the welfare of the children we serve and highlight our impact.”
National Service to Youth Award – Board, volunteers and staff who have rendered long and devoted service (five years or more) to the Boys & Girls Club Movement.
National Award of Merit – Individuals and organizations outside Boys & Girls Clubs that have provided outstanding support to local Clubs or the Movement.
Carl Woods Volunteer of the Year – Presented to exceptional volunteers who demonstrate his or her devoted service to the Club’s mission.
Richard H. Amberg Award – Presented to a Board member whose leadership and commitment has a profound impact on the Club’s ability to achieve its mission.
Photo caption (left to right)
Dr. Flint Fowler, President Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater St. Louis (far right) along with 2019 Alumni Hall of Honor Inductees: Precious Johnson, Cardin Dean Rackley, Mark Collins, III, the mother of Kal-El Waters-Jones and 2019 BGCSTL Youth of the Year, Kahalia Adams.